Encouraging To Continue Working Beyond Retirement
Research on employment beyond retirement as an adaptation mechanism for governments and employers to changes in the labour market.
June 7, 2017
By RSM erasmus – https://farm1.staticflickr.com/707/21304684451_4969e75422_s.jpg, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60798743
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Ageing of the world’s population, particularly in more developed regions, combined with low birth rates cause serious socio-economic challenges.
Increasing proportion of older people related to younger people may lead to an increased pressure on pension systems and the risk of labour shortages. Many organisations may be prone to the risk of labour shortages. This is why both governments and employers have to adapt to changes.
EPSEC is facilitating a study in the field of management, carried out at the University of Rotterdam, aimed to investigate the motivations of persons to maintain in the employment in the retirement age.
Particular attention is paid to the role of supervisors in encouraging their employees to continue working beyond retirement. Based on self-determination theory, the relationship between supervisor’s supportive behaviour and intentions of 50+ aged employees to continue working is studied. The hypothesis is that supportive supervisory behaviour leads to basic needs satisfaction, which in turn influences the intentions to continue working.
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